
Alerts are used to communicate a state that affects a system, feature or page

Solid Fill Alerts

Alerts with solid color

File was uploaded to the server
Aw Snap, something bad happened.
All of the data will be wiped.

Your account will expire on 29 Feb

<div className="alert alert-solid-success">File was uploaded to the server</div> <div className="alert alert-solid-error">Aw Snap, something bad happened.</div> <div className="alert alert-solid-warning">All of the data will be wiped.</div> <div className="alert alert-solid-info">Your account will expire on 29 Feb</div>

Outline Alerts

Alerts with outline border

File was uploaded to the server

Aw Snap, something bad happened.

All of the data will be wiped.

Your account will expire on 29 Feb

<div className="alert alert-outline-success"> File was uploaded to the server </div> <div className="alert alert-outline-error"> Aw Snap, something bad happened. </div> <div className="alert alert-outline-warning"> All of the data will be wiped. </div> <div className="alert alert-outline-info"> Your account will expire on 29 Feb </div>